Discover the Difference
Capen Industrial Rehabilitation has been providing occupational and physical therapy services to the greater Puget Sound area for 20 years. We specialize in industrial injury rehabilitation which includes physical therapy, work conditioning, work hardening, functional capacity evaluations, ergonomic assessments, and activity coaching / PGAP. In addition, we offer employers opportunities to reduce injuries by providing on-site injury prevention services, customized stretching programs, ergonomic risk assessments, supervisor training, and post-offer / pre-employment testing.
Our work injury rehabilitation services are provided on a one to one basis by experienced occupational and physical therapists or assistants only. Our physical therapists determine current physical limitations and provide evidence-based treatment for improved endurance, flexibility, and strength. Our occupational therapists provide work simulation activities unique to the injured worker’s job. We use job specific information provided by vocational counselors as well as the injured worker to recreate the physically challenging aspects of a job. Improving function every day is what we do best!